Loudness and metering in game audio

This post is not a tutorial on loudness and metering in game audio. It is rather about sharing my findings on something I am currently researching on, hoping it can help those of you who would be in a similar position as me. I will definitely revisit this post at a later stage of my [...]

Audio processing using MaxMSP

If you follow me on twitter, you will have seen a few recent tweets about my latest experiments with Sci Fi bleeps and bloops. I created a MaxMSP patch that allows me to process sound files in such a way that the original file is nearly unidentifiable, and the results sound nicely tech and Sci [...]

Links and cool projects n° 4

Another wave of cool links to worth exploring 🙂 A few audio/game audio blogs full of neat tips & tricks and more: http://www.joecavers.com/blog/ http://www.bradleymeyer.com/blog/ http://mindful-audio.com/blog/ http://wabisabisound.com/blog/ 2 games I find promising in terms of fun/originality/audacity: Bound: http://bound.playstation.com/ The Floor is Jelly: http://thefloorisjelly.com/ Some awesome game music by Disaster Piece: http://disasterpeace.com/ A very useful link about audio [...]